Energy efficiency investment and cost optimisation

Energy efficiency
  • The project answers the following questions:
  •  What are the most optimal energy efficiency measures in the client’s building and what is the investment payback time for the energy efficiency?
  •  What are the alternatives for financing investments and their cost?
  • When energy efficiency investments are approached holistically, the goal is to find the most profitable combination for the building society's energy efficiency investments.
  •   Service provider offerings consist of two main categories:
  •  A preliminary investment plan is created through modeling or simulation. Housing association makes the necessary investments. In the investment plan the return on invested capital is calculated for these investments as well carbon dioxide emissions and savings of the energy solution.
  •  Housing association enters into an energy efficiency service contract (energy partnership) witha service provider. The service provider makes the investments and the housing association pays for the investments and service provided in accordance with the service agreement.
  •   Both models aim to lower the building society's energy costs and increase the comfort of living.
  • Depending on the operating model of the different service provider, the project report contains either a breakdown of the most profitable energy efficiency investments in that property with calculations / simulations OR a proposal for the most profitable energy efficiency investments in that property and covering their costs with a partnership agreement.
  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company energy efficiency optimization projects (shown via customer references).
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer