Water-air heatpump heating pre-study

Heating - Air-water heatpumps
  • Preliminary plan of the air-water heat pump -based heating system, assessment of the size of the investment and the payback period.
  •  The work includes a visit to the property.
  • Water-air heat pump -based heating systems can handle the heating needs of the entire housing association, but it needs a support system for the coldest times.
  •  As the outside temperature drops, the amount of heating energy obtained by the air-to-water heat pump decreases, and in the most severe frosts, either electricity or the property's previous heating system (oil, gas, etc.) is needed for support. During the heating season, however, there are only a few days when the air-to-water heat pump is not enough.
  •   The advantage of the air-to-water heat pump solution compared to geothermal heat is the lower purchase price and that it can be installed even in locations where geothermal heat cannot be installed due to the quality of the soil.
  •  The air-water heat pump solution is installed in place of or alongside the old heating system.
  • The housing association receives a preliminary plan for the air-water heat pump heating system for the property in question.
  •   The plan includes a list of the technical equipment to be installed, a proposal for their placement, and an estimate of the property's annual heating costs and hot water heating after the investment.
  • Providers are asked in the offer if the following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company air-water heat pump planning studies (reference list attached to offer)
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer