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 Energy Efficiency 

If you are starting out and have not yet carried out a survey on what the energy efficiency possibilities in your housing association are, these offerings are a good place to start.

   General survey

The general survey is a tool of the Board of Directors of the housing association for high-quality property maintenance and consists of inspection of the property, a summary of the actual condition of the property and a Long-Term Maintenance Plan (PTS).

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criterias are fulfilled:
  •  Project manager general survey qualification (FISE)
  •  Energy observer qualification (Motiva)
  •  Previously experience in housing company general surveys (reference list attached to offer)
  •  The general survey is prepared in accordance with the guidelines for the general survey of the KH card.
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer

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   Energy check-up

The energy check-up of a housing company is a light and inexpensive energy survey of a housing company, which is based on a property tour, measurements and functional tests performed by an HVAC expert on the property, as well as analysis of energy consumption based on consumption monitoring.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Those carrying out the survey must have an engineering training in the field of HVAC or equivalent knowledge.
  •  The bidder's service covers at least the minimum content of Motiva energy check-up specification. Read more here:
  •  Previous experience in implementing an Energy Survey in a housing association (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Member of the “Trusted partner” -system or is otherwise able to provide evidence for fulfilling contractor's liability requirements
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Offer needs to include also Energy certificate for the housing association.
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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   Energy efficiency investment and cost optimisation

Study that aims to find the most profitable energy efficiency investments for the property in question. Simulation tools or other methods are used to map out those energy efficiency investments with shortest payback times.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company energy efficiency optimization projects (shown via customer references).
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer

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Partner direct

   Intelligent heat pump control by

The intelligent heat pump control service helps property owners to optimize heat pump electricity use and costs. The control service includes both heat pump enhanced control and price-based control.

  • The intelligent heat pump control service helps property owners to optimize heat pump electricity use and costs. The control service includes both enhanced control of the heat pump and price-based control to reduce the property's energy costs and emissions without compromising indoor air conditions.

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A well-executed heating network rebalancing starts with a planning project. Once you know possible repair needs and the extent of the work, it is time to ask for rebalancing implementation offers. If you are unsure what the different heating options for your housing association, Heating system comparison -project helps you map out the pros and cons of different options.

   Heating network rebalancing planning

When the building’s heat network is adjusted, in addition to living comfort, savings are made in energy consumption. The work entails making the heating network rebalancing plan and identifying items to be replaced. The planning study is used in an offer request for the actual rebalancing work.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company heating network rebalancing planning (reference list attached to offer)
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Project Management and supervision throughout the project when the implementation phase starts.
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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   Heat network rebalancing implementation

In the heating system rebalancing, the heating network is adjusted according to the heating system rebalancing plan. It is estimated that with a correctly performed basic adjustment, up to 10–15 % savings in energy consumption can be achieved. A heating network rebalancing plan can be attached to the offer request.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in carrying out housing company heating network rebalancing (reference list attached to offer).
  •  The pricing clearly shows the charging criteria for possible repairs to the heating network (repairs, replacement of broken devices, etc.).
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  The Provider undertakes to regularly update the client's representative on the progress of the project and possible schedules affecting the residents.
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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   Heating system comparison study

The heating method comparison includes a situation survey in the housing company, suggestions for improvement and project planning from the perspective of technical and economic implementation.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company heating method comparisons (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer

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   Heating distribution center renewal

In district heating buildings, the technical service life of the heat distribution center is approximately 20–25 years. After this, the risk of breakage and heat distribution problems increases. Renovating the heat distribution center also improves energy efficiency.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Experience of heat center renewal projects (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Will assist the Buyer in ARA grant calculation if needed
  •  The Provider undertakes to regularly update the client's representative on the progress of the project and possible schedules affecting the residents.
  •  The Provider has the ability to offer an operation and maintenance service for the solution delivered

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 Electric vehicles 

When considering an EV charging station for your housing association, employ an independent expert to carry out a planning study. Then you are better informed to create an offer request for the implementation stage.

   Charging station project planning

In the project EV charging station implementation method options and the costs related to the different options are analyzed. The most suitable option is presented. The project produces documentation that can directly be used in the offer request process.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company EV charging station planning (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Will assist the Buyer in ARA grant calculation if needed
  •  Is in charge of the bidding process and assists the Buyer in comparing the offers received
  •  Project Management and supervision throughout the project when the implementation phase starts.
  •  Guides the Buyer on how the housing association general meeting's decision-making, cost allocation and repair and maintenance responsibilities should be carried out in different implementation options
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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   EV charging station implementation

Request for a tender for EV charging station for a residential housing company.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company EV charging implementations (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Will assist the Buyer in ARA grant calculation and application if needed
  •  The Provider undertakes to regularly update the client's representative on the progress of the project and possible schedules affecting the residents.
  •  The Provider is able to offer a operation and maintenance service
  •  The EV Charging solution includes an external Billing service
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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When starting to consider a outdoor lighting improvement for your housing association, employ first an independent planning consultant. Then you are all set to proceed to asking implementation offers for your project.

  Outdoor lighting project planning

The consultant is responsible for creating the outdoor lighting plan and generating the documentation needed for tendering. Optionally the Buyer can also include in the work bidding phase management, comparison of received offers, and monitoring of the project implementation phase.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company outdoor lighting planning (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Is in charge of the bidding process and assists the Buyer in comparing the offers received
  •  Project management and supervision throughout the project when the implementation phase starts.
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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  Outdoor lighting implementation

Request for a tender for updating outdoor lighting solution for a residential housing company.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company outdoor lighting renewal implementations (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  The Provider undertakes to regularly update the client's representative on the progress of the project and possible schedules affecting people living in the apartments.
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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When entering into legal agreements in implementation stage, it is advisable to have a legal professional with experience in ground heat / EAHR / other type of housing association renovation projects to read through the agreement to point out possible risks and shortcomings. For ARA grants, an expert can help you estimate the eligibility for a grant and also carry out the needed calculations.


A project implementation agreement is a legal document outlining the terms and conditions of a particular project. Especially in project implementation agreements it is advisable to have a legal expert to review and revise the agreement before signing.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Experience of similar legal cases in the housing company space.
  •  Please note! If you wish, you can sent the offer request directly to legal service providers registered to the service without publishing the offer request publicly on the market place.

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A valid energy certificate is required in a housing association for apartment sales and apartment rentals. The energy certificate is mandatory by law.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Consultant has energy certificate issuer qualification which is shown as valid in ARA registry

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The consultant's task is to prepare the calculations and documents required for ARA's grant application and to ensure that a high-quality ARA funding application is created as a result.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company ARA calculations and application process (reference list attached to offer)
  •  Consultant has energy certificate issuer qualification
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer

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 Air-water heat pumps 

Start an air-water heat pump project with a planning study. Use the planning study results and the estimated investment cost and payback time to make a decision if the housing association wants to proceed with implementation. When asking an implementation offer, you can attach the planning document to the offer request.

  Water-air heatpump heating pre-study

The air-to-water heat pump takes heating energy from the outside air and transfers it to the water circulation heating system of the housing association. It can also be used to heat the housing association's hot domestic water.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if the following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company air-water heat pump planning studies (reference list attached to offer)
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer

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  Water-air heatpump implementation

Request for a tender for an air-water heat pump implementation project for a residential housing company.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company air-water heat pump implementations (reference list attached to offer)
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Will assist the Buyer in ARA grant calculation and application if needed
  •  The Provider undertakes to regularly update the client's representative on the progress of the project and possible schedules affecting people living in the apartments.
  •  The Provider has the ability to offer an operation and maintenance service for the solution delivered
  •  The Provider has the ability to offer remote monitoring service
  •  The Pump used includes remote control interface (enabling demand response / spot-price -based service)
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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 Ground heat 

When starting to consider a ground heat system for your housing association, start first with a pre-study. If the pre-study shows a green light and you have decided to proceed, you may want to have an independent project consultant to help with planning, permits and project supervision. Then you are all set to proceed to asking implementation offers for your ground heat project.

  Ground heat system pre-study

In the ground heat pre- study, the housing company receives a written report on the acquisition of geothermal energy and its implementation from the point of view of profitability.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company ground heat pre-studies (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer

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  Ground heat project planning

The consultant acts as the general project manager for the ground heat implementation phase. The consultant creates documentation that can directly be used in the offer request process. Additional work tasks are selected from offer request list of options.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in managing housing company ground heat projects (reference list attached to offer)
  •  Experience in the permit process of a ground heat project
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer
  •  The project planning consultant is impartial vis-à-vis the suppliers.
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Will assist the Buyer in ARA grant calculation and application process if needed
  •  Is in charge of the bidding process and assists the Buyer in comparing the offers received
  •  Ground heat project preliminary design work (final design work will be done by the ground heat implementation companies)
  •  Responsible for the permit process on behalf of the client
  •  Takes care of informing the housing association company's neighbours in the various phases of the ground heat project
  •  Project Management and supervision throughout the project when the implementation phase starts.
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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  Ground heat project implementation

Request for a tender for a ground heat project for a residential housing company. Ground heat pre-study and/or offer request documentation generated by the ground heat project consultant can be attached to the offer request.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company ground heat implementations (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Will assist the Buyer in ARA grant calculation and application project if needed
  •  The Provider undertakes to regularly update the client's representative on the progress of the project and possible schedules affecting people living in the apartments.
  •  The Provider has the ability to offer an operation and maintenance service for the solution delivered
  •  Remote monitoring solution is required for the solution delivered
  •  Buyer wants the offer to include an option on EAHR implementation simultaneously with the ground heat project
  •  The Pump type used includes remote control interface
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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When starting to consider EAHR system for your housing association, start first with a pre-study. If the pre-study shows a green light and you have decided to proceed, you may want to have an independent project consultant to help with planning and project supervision. Then you are all set to proceed to asking implementation offers for your EAHR project.

  EAHR -system pre-study

In the Exhaust air heat recovery (EAHR) pre-study, the possibility of implementing an EAHR system in the building is assessed. It is presented whether there are any obstacles or preconditions for continuing the EAHR procurement process and what the recommendation for next steps is.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company exhaust air heat recovery (EAHR) pre-studies (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer

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  EAHR project planning

In the project planning different exhaust air heat recovery (EAHR) solutions suitable for the housing company are compared. The project time table and the qualitative and financial targets for system implementation are set. Project produces material that can be used directly in procuring offers.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in planning and managing housing company exhaust air heat recovery (EAHR) projects (reference list attached to offer).
  •  The project planner should be impartial vis-à-vis the suppliers of EAHR systems.
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Will assist the Buyer in ARA grant calculation if needed
  •  Is in charge of the bidding process and assists the Buyer in comparing the offers received
  •  Project management and supervision throughout the project
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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  EAHR project implementation

Request for a tender for a exhaust air heat recovery (EAHR) project for a residential housing company. You can attach EAHR pre-study and/or tender documentation made by a EAHR project consultant to the offer request.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company EAHR implementations (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Will assist the Buyer in ARA grant calculations and application if needed
  •  The Provider undertakes to regularly update the client's representative on the progress of the project and possible schedules affecting the residents.
  •  The Provider is able to offer a operation and maintenance service
  •  The Pump type used includes remote control interface
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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 Solar PV 

Start a solar PV project with a planning study that includes a mapping visit. Use the planning study results and the estimated investment cost and payback time to make a decision if the housing association wants to proceed with implementation. When asking an implementation offer, you can attach the planning document to the offer request.

  Solar PV (with storage) prestudy

The work includes a mapping visit, a simulation/calculation of the energy output, the clarification of technical details and possible limitations related to the installation, and a preliminary cost estimate. The solar PV power plant is connected to the housing association's electricity connection.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company solar PV planning studies (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Project management and supervision throughout the project
  •  PV solution design needs to include a storage solution
  •  Will assist the Buyer in ARA grant calculation if needed
  •  Is in charge of the bidding process and assists the Buyer in comparing the offers received
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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  Solar PV (with storage) implementation

Request for a tender for solar PV power plant solution for a residential housing company. Optional to add storage option to the offer request

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company solar PV implementations (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Will assist the Buyer in ARA grant calculation and application if needed
  •  Offer needs to include solar electricity storage system
  •  The Provider undertakes to regularly update the client's representative on the progress of the project and possible schedules affecting people living in the apartments.
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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If you want to get more out of the existing infrastructure in your housing association, checking the ventilation condition is a good idea. You may reach savings in needed heating energy and better indoor air quality.


Measurement and adjustment of the ventilation system according to the ventilation plan. Improper adjustments can cause significant extra energy consumption.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  The price for the basic part of the ventilation examination and the charging criteria for detailed examinations with measurements are clearly presented in the offer.
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Ventilation examiner qualification (FISA)
  •  Reporting in accordance with ventilation general survey format as approved by Sulvi ry
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.

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An indoor air survey can be carried out either as a needs survey of the problem apartment or apartments or the entire property, or by taking samples and measurements of the air in the problem space and giving an interpretation of the measurement results.

  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Experience of indoor air quality projects (reference list attached to offer).
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  The offer needs to include live expert consultation on indoor air results
  •  We want an indoor air measurement solution that can be permanently installed in the space defined above

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