Partner Direct

Partner Direct -offer requests bring visibility to Provider's unique solutions. 

Increased deal flow and visibility

Direct Partner -offering places your solution in the limelight of the Action Energy Market service. Buyers looking for solutions are able to submit a direct offer request using a template customised to your needs.  

For examples of Partner Direct offerings, visit Action Energy Market Offering page.   

Digital offer process

Digitalize and simplify your offer process with our service. We make sure that the offer request form the Buyer submits has all the relevant data you need in order to make a quality offer. Buyer site visit requests and additional messaging with the Buyer is also supported. 

If the Buyer decides to proceed with your offer and requires financing, the Buyer can submit a financing application from the AEM service. We currently support green loan applications. 

Get started

Call or email and introduce your company and the solution you want to have Partner Direct activated for. We will send you a link to our Partner Direct specification page. Based on the specs, we will customize a Partner Direct offer request for your solution. 


Partner Direct pricing can be found here.